Marsden, ChrisGrayson, David2008-02-072008-02-072007Chris Marsden and David Grayson, The Business of Business is...? Unpicking the Corporate Responsibility Debate. A Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility Occasional Paper. 2007 must be part of any lasting solution to many of the pressing environmental and social problems facing the world. All companies do good things and bad things, often at the same time. The essence of the debate over Corporate Responsibility 1 (CR) is whether governance of the good and bad things companies do should be left to market forces and state regulation or whether companies should deliberately set out to do good things beyond the minimum required to achieve their financial goals.en© 2008 The Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility, Cranfield School of ManagementThe Business of Business is...? Unpicking the Corporate Responsibility Debate.Working Paper