Liu, Shi QianWhidborne, James F.He, Lei2020-11-232020-11-232020-11-16Liu SQ, Whidborne JF, He L. (2021) Backstepping sliding-mode control of stratospheric airships using disturbance-observer. Advances in Space Research, Volume 67, Issue 3, February 2021, pp. 1174-11870273-1177 the presence of unknown disturbances and model parameter uncertainties, this paper develop a nonlinear backstepping sliding-mode controller (BSMC) for trajectory tracking control of a stratospheric airship using a disturbance-observer (DO). Compared with the conventional sliding mode surface (SMS) constructed by a linear combination of the errors, the new SMS manifold is selected as the last back-step error to improve independence of the adjustment of the controller gains. Furthermore, a nonlinear disturbance-observer is designed to process unknown disturbance inputs and improve the BSMC performances. The closed-loop system of trajectory tracking control plant is proved to be globally asymptotically stable by using Lyapunov theory. By comparing with traditional backstepping control and SMC design, the results obtained demonstrate the capacity of the airship to execute a realistic trajectory tracking mission, even in the presence of unknown disturbances, and aerodynamic coefficient uncertaintiesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International trackingbackstepping controlnonlinear disturbance observersliding mode controlstratospheric airship systemBackstepping sliding-mode control of stratospheric airships using disturbance-observerArticle