Ling-Chin, JanieSimpson, RachelCairns, AlasdairWu, DaweiXie, Yinget al.2024-05-012024-05-012024-03-27Ling-Chin J, Simpson R, Cairns A, et al., (2024) Research and innovation identified to decarbonise the maritime sector. Green Energy and Sustainability, Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2024, Article number 00012771-1641 maritime sector requires technically, environmentally, socially, and economically informed pathways to decarbonise and eliminate all emissions harmful to the environment and health. This is extremely challenging and complex, and a wide range of technologies and solutions are currently being explored. However, it is important to assess the state-of-the-art and identify further research and innovation required to accelerate decarbonisation. The UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub have identified key priority areas to drive this process, with particular focus on marine fuels, power and propulsion, vessel efficiency, port operations and infrastructure, digitalisation, finance, regulation, and policy.en-UKAttribution 4.0 International pathwayUK National Clean Maritime Research Hubresearch priorityResearch and innovation identified to decarbonise the maritime sectorArticle