Vu, NamGhadge, AbhijeetBourlakis, Michael2022-08-242022-08-242022-08-24Vu N, Ghadge A, Bourlakis M. (2023) Evidence-driven model for implementing Blockchain in food supply chains, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Volume 26, Issue 5, 2023, pp. 568-5881367-5567 technology has been identified as a possible solution to address critical challenges faced by the food sector. Building on the potential of Blockchain within Food Supply Chains (FSC), this study aims to develop an evidence-based implementation model for Blockchain in the food industry. Innovation Adoption and other prominent theories are integrated to first develop a conceptual framework, which is later validated following an analysis of the qualitative data. Fifteen semi-structured expert interviews are used to develop an evidence-driven, applied model for implementing Blockchain; providing detailed insights into typical stages, associated activities, and contextual determinants needed for successful integration. An empirically validated implementation model advances the extant academic literature and further provides a detailed roadmap for food practitioners, while initiating Blockchain projects with their firms and/or supply chains.enAttribution 4.0 International frameworkinnovation adoptionfood supply chainEvidence-driven model for implementing Blockchain in food supply chainsArticle1469-848X