Durugbo, ChristopherTiwari, AshutoshAlcock, Jeffrey R.Rajkumar RoyEssam Shehab2009-08-212009-08-2120092009-04-01C. Durugbo, A. Tiwari, J. R. Alcock, An Infodynamic Engine Approach to Improving the Efficiency of Information Flow in a Product-Service System, Proceedings of the 1st CIRP Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS2) Conference, Cranfield University, 1-2 April 2009, pp107978-0-9557436-5-8http://hdl.handle.net/1826/3615Organised by: Cranfield UniversityIn this paper, literature was used to identify and present a worked example of the use of an Infodynamic engine. It shows that: (a) Product-Service System (PSS) information flows can be characterised by such an engine; (b) the engine can measure the efficiency of information flow in a PSS; (c) the engine can be used as a tool to make recommendations about improvements in information flow efficiency in a PSS.enCopyright: Cranfield University, 2009Product-Service SystemsInformation flow modelEfficiencyAn Infodynamic Engine Approach to Improving the Efficiency of Information Flow in a Product-Service SystemConference paper