Struzziero, GiacomoMaistros, GeorgeHartley, JohnSkordos, Alex2024-06-072024-06-072021-02-12Struzziero, Giacomo; Maistros, George; Hartley, John; Skordos, Alex (2021). Materials modelling and process simulation of the pultrusion of curved parts. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. dataset comprises experimental data and finite element/control volume models reported in the paper titled ‘Materials modelling and process simulation of the pultrusion of curved parts’ published in Composite Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (2021). There are four files: Excel workbook Material_Characterisation.xlsx contains Viscosity, Modulus, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Chemical Shrinkage data organised in four separate spreadsheets. File Curved_pultrusion_stage2_job.dat is the analysis deck of the stage 2 curved pultrusion thermo-mechanical model of the T cross section stiffener for finite element solver MSC.Marc.File Pre_former_stage1.dtf is the PAMRTM model setup file for stage 1 pultrusion simulation of the T cross section stiffener. File Pre_former_stage1.unv is the mesh information PAMRTM file for stage 1 pultrusion simulation of the T cross section stiffener.CC BY 4.0'Polymer-matrix composites''Thermomechanical''Process modelling''Composite and Hybrid Materials''Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (excl. Textiles)'Materials modelling and process simulation of the pultrusion of curved partsDataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.13056638