Saade, Ahmed J.Alexiou, ConstantinosBelghitar, Yacine2022-09-022022-09-022022-08-31Saade A, Alexiou C, Belghitar Y. (2022) Robotization and labor supply in the context of a dynamic monopsony: novel evidence from South Korea. Seoul Journal of Economics, Volume 35, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 207-2401225-0279 estimate the effects of robotization on labor supply in Manufacturing, Services and the whole of the South Korean economy using exponential hazard and a random effects logit methodologies over the period 1999-2019. Our findings suggest that a larger operational stock of industrial robots in manufacturing is associated with manufacturing (non-manufacturing) workers becoming more (less) responsive to a change in wages in their decision to quit to non-employment, whilst the ease with which firms can poach workers is found to be unaffected by robotization.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International monopsonyElasticity of labor supplyIndustrial robotsLabor shareSouth KoreaRobotization and labor supply in the context of a dynamic monopsony: novel evidence from South KoreaArticle