Ward, D. E.Holmes, N. T. H.Andrews, J. H.Gowing, D. J. G.Kirby, P.2024-02-142024-02-141996Ward DE, Holmes NTH, Andrews JH, et al., (1996) Background documentation: guidelines for river vegetation maintenance, R&D Project Record 536/1/SThttps://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/20792This document contains the methodology, supporting and technical information for R&D Note 511 which may be required for future specialist examination and appraisal of river vegetation management. It is provided for operational information only.This report sets out the methodology employed in preparing guidelines for the incorporation of environmental criteria into the planning and appraisal of river vegetation management. This work was carried out under Project 536 (environmental Impact Assessment) under the umbrella of Project No. 317 - River Maintenance Evaluation, being undertaken for the National Rivers Authority (Severn Trent Region) by Silsoe College. Its aim is to provide the environmental basis for making decisions on the optimum method and timing of vegetation control on rivers which will integrate satisfactorily with operational demands and will maintain or enhance existing environmental interests.enAttribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Background documentation: guidelines for river vegetation maintenanceTechnical Report