Mohd Maulana, Muhd IkmalFlisiak, Jakub WiktorAl-Ashaab, AhmedAraci, Zehra CananLasisz, Piotr WojciechBeg, NajamRehman, Abdullah2018-08-082018-08-082016-12-31MII Mohd Maulana, JWFlisiak, A Al-Ashaab, et al.,The application of set-based concurrent engineering to enhance the design performance of surface jet pump. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Volume 13, 2016, article number 60, pp634-6431109-9526 Concurrent Engineering (SBCE) is an approach that has the capability to improve the efficiencies of the product development process. SBCE provides an environment where design space is explored thoroughly which lead to enhance innovation. This is achieved by considering an alternative set of solutions after gaining the right knowledge to support decision to narrow down the set of solutions until the single optimal design solution is reached. This paper presents a novel application SBCE in order to generate alternative design to enhance the efficiency of the Surface Jet Pump (SJP) in term of its productivity and performance of producing the oil and gas in oil and gas well.enCC0 1.0 Universal product developmentset-based concurrent engineeringproduct developmentset-based designtrade-off curvesurface jet pumpThe application of set-based concurrent engineering to enhance the design performance of surface jet pumpArticle