Tonnellier, XavierShore, Paul2014-04-152014-04-152011-03-14Paul Shore and Xavier Tonnellier, Precision Engineering behind European Astronomy Programmes. JSPE Spring International Conference: State-of-the-art and Future Trends in Ultraprecision Engineering & Nanotechnology, 14 March 2011, Tokyo, Japan. fields of astronomy science have presented significant precision engineering challenges. Numerous solutions for these fields of science have achieved unprecedented levels of accuracy, sensitivity and sheer scale. Notwithstanding of their importance to science understanding, many of these precision engineering developments have become key enabling technologies for wealth generation and other human well-being issues. This paper provides a brief historical overview of astronomy instruments. Later, details of critical precision engineering developments that supported the establishment of leading European astronomical instruments are illustrated. Finally, significant precision engineering demands to enable future sciences programmes are introduced.en-UKPrecision Engineering behind European Astronomy ProgrammesConference paper