Addepalli, SriNamoano, BernadinOyedeji, Oluseyi AyodejiFarsi, MaryamErkoyuncu, John Ahmet2023-10-092023-10-092023-07-08Addepalli S, Namoano B, Oyedeji OA, et al., (2023) Designing a semantic based common taxonomy of mechanical component degradation to enable maintenance digitalisation. Procedia CIRP, Volume 119, pp. 508-513. 33rd CIRP Design Conference, 17-19 June 2023, Sydney, Australia2212-8271 data management and enterprise systems have become key to support the digitalisation of maintenance activities. With traditional maintenance activities still striving for efficiencies, platforms such as the natural language processing (NLP) are supporting industries to mine textural data, not just extracting degradation terminologies but providing the maintainer with holistic insights on the degradation process. Traditionally, the degradation analysis, the first step in maintenance, is a manual process for defect characterisation, followed by failure investigation and a remaining useful life estimation. To enable digitalisation, transfer of human cognitive decision making from the physical world to the digital world is key. This paper enables this cognitive knowledge transfer through the design of a common degradation taxonomy and extracting terminology relationships to produce degradation causality with an NLP knowledge extraction approach. Further, this paper proposes and demonstrates a framework to present the data in the form of a knowledge graph populated using an application-level ontology. Use cases in the aerospace context have been used to show the power of the NLP and conceptual journey into the digitalisation of maintenance.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International managementdecision makingdegradation analysisDesigning a semantic based common taxonomy of mechanical component degradation to enable maintenance digitalisationConference paper