Correia, T. M.Zhang, Qi2016-07-282016-07-282016-07-11Correia, T. M., Zhang, Q. (2016) Thickness-dependent electrocaloric effect in mixed-phase Pb0.87Ba0.1 La0.02 (Zr0.6Sn0.33Ti0.07) O3 thin films. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 2074, August 2016, 374: 201600561364-503X Pb0.87Ba0.1La0.02(Zr0.6Sn0.33Ti0.07)O3 (PBLZST) thin films were fabricated by a sol–gel method. These revealed both rhombohedral and tetragonal phases, as opposed to the full-tetragonal phase previously reported in ceramics. The fractions of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases are found to be strongly dependent on film thickness. The fraction of tetragonal grains increases with increasing film thickness, as the substrate constraint throughout the film decreases with film thickness. The maximum of the dielectric constant (εm) and the corresponding temperature (Tm) are thickness-dependent and dictated by the fraction of rhombohedral and tetragonal phase, with εm reaching a minimum at 400 nm and Tm shifting to higher temperature with increasing thickness. With the thickness increase, the breakdown field decreases, but field-induced antiferroelectric–ferroelectric (EAFE−FE) and ferroelectric–antiferroelectric (EFE−AFE) switch fields increase. The electrocaloric effect increases with increasing film thickness.enAttribution 4.0 International filmsThickness-dependent electrocaloric effect in mixed-phase Pb0.87Ba0.1 La0.02 (Zr0.6Sn0.33Ti0.07) O3 thin filmsArticle