Otter, John J.Christie, RobertGoulos, IoannisMacManus, David G.Grech, Nicholas2019-08-232019-08-232019-07-16Otter JJ, Christie R, et al., (2019) Parametric design of non-axisymmetric separate-jet aero-engine exhaust systems. Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 93, October 2019, Article number 1051861270-9638 civil air vehicles are likely to feature propulsion systems which are more closely integrated with the airframe. For a podded underwing configuration, this close coupling is expected to require non-axisymmetric design capabilities for the aero-engine exhaust system. This work presents the development of a novel parametric representation of non-axisymmetric aero-engine exhaust system geometries based on Intuitive Class Shape Transformation (iCST) curves. An exhaust design method was established and aerodynamic analyses of a range of non-axisymmetric configurations was demonstrated. At typical flight conditions, the introduction of non-axisymmetric separate jet nozzles was shown to increase the engine net propulsive force by 0.12% relative to an axisymmetric nozzle.enAttribution 4.0 International nozzleClass Shape TransformationNon-axisymmetricAero-engineComputational uid dynamicsPropulsion integrationParametric design of non-axisymmetric separate-jet aero-engine exhaust systemsArticle23451183