Zhang, WeiAn, LulingChen, YuanXiong, YepingLiao, Yabing2021-04-202021-04-202021-04-15Zhang W, An L, Chen Y, et al., (2021) Optimisation for clamping force of aircraft composite structure assembly considering form defects and part deformations. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 13, Issue 4, April 2021, pp. 1-131687-8132https://doi.org/10.1177/1687814021995703https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/16606Given the existence of manufacturing defects and the accumulation of assembly errors, non-compliant assembly appears between components, especially for composite structure assembly. In the engineering application, the clamping force (CF) is often used to eliminate the clearance between mating components, but the improper CF may result in unwanted structure failure. Thus, on the premise of ensuring the safety of composite parts, this study proposes a procedure to systematically optimise the assembly CF. Firstly, the components mating surfaces were obtained by laser scanner, and the matching of actual surfaces was transformed and simplified based on ‘equivalent surface’ concept. Then, a mathematical optimisation model was established. The CF layout and magnitude were taken as variables, and the clearance elimination rate and the overall assembly force value were employed as objective functions. Finally, the improved genetic algorithm (GA) was used to solve this problem. A parametric finite element analysis (FEA) model was built, and model accuracy was verified by physical experiments. The finite element calculation and post-processing were carried out by Python script in ABAQUS®. Compared to the engineer’s traditional approach, the influence of form defects and part deformations were considered, which can help control the assembly stress well and ensure product performance.enAttribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/genetic algorithmpart deformationsform defectsaircraft assemblyComposite damageOptimisation for clamping force of aircraft composite structure assembly considering form defects and part deformationsArticle