Woodward, Hazel2006-11-132006-11-132002Woodward, H. Licencing e-journals: UK style, Serials Librarian, 2002 Vol. 42, Iss. 1/2, pg 135-141http://hdl.handle.net/1826/1227http://www.coleonline.us/serialslibrarian/This presentation will describe the way in which academic libraries in the United Kingdom (UK) are licencing and accessing electronic journals (e-journals). This process is being facilitated by the higher and further (HE and FE) funding councils through the Joint Information Services Committee (JISC). The presentation will begin by setting the context for national e-journal licencing and explain the wider version of the Distributed National Electronic Resource (DNER). It will than go on to describe the achievemants of the National Electronic Site Licence (NESLI) initiative and examine some ot the future developments currently under consideration.1050885 bytesapplication/pdfenLicencing e-journals: UK styleArticle