Hammond, Ellis B.Coulon, FredericHallett, Stephen H.Thomas, RussellHardy, DrewKingdon, AndrewBeriro, Darren J.2021-05-042021-05-042021-04-16Hammond EB, Coulon F, Hallett SH, et al., (2021) A critical review of decision support systems for brownfield redevelopment. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 785, September 2021, Article number 1471320048-9697https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147132http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/16645Over the past two decades, many decision support systems (DSSs) have been developed to support decision makers and facilitate the planning and redevelopment process of brownfields. Existing systems are however often siloed in their approach and do not fully capture the complexity of brownfield sites from a sustainable development point of view. This critical review provides an insight into the development and implementation of DSSs, published and emerging, together with assessment of their strengths, limitations and opportunities for future integration. Brownfields DSS applications include: remediation technology selection; and land use planning; and risk assessment. The results of this review lead the authors to identify four opportunities to improve brownfield DSSs: (i) increased use of qualitative socioeconomic criteria, particularly costs and economic variables, (ii) decision-support during the early stages of brownfield redevelopment, (iii) the integration of predictive modelling methods, and (iv) improvements of user interfaces and modern web-based functionalities.enAttribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Land-use planningSustainable developmentContaminated landPost-industrial landDecision analysisA critical review of decision support systems for brownfield redevelopmentArticle