Leung, Tiga Ho YinIgnatyev, Dmitry I.Zolotas, Argyrios2022-04-012022-04-012022-03-22Leung THY, Ignatyev D, Zolotas A. (2022) Hybrid terrain traversability analysis in off-road environments. In: 2022 8th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), 18 February - 20 March 2022, Prague, Czech Republic2767-7737https://doi.org/10.1109/ICARA55094.2022.9738557https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/17729There is a significant growth in autonomy level in off-road ground vehicles. However, unknown off-road environments are often challenging due to their unstructured and rough nature. To find a path that the robot can move smoothly to its destination, it needs to analyse the surrounding terrain. In this paper, we present a hybrid terrain traversability analysis framework. Semantic segmentation is implemented to understand different types of the terrain surrounding the robot; meanwhile geometrical properties of the terrain are assessed with the aid of a probabilistic terrain estimation. The framework represents the traversability analysis on a robot-centric cost map, which is available to the path planners. We evaluated the proposed framework with synchronised sensor data captured while driving the robot in real off-road environments. This thorough terrain traversability analysis will be crucial for autonomous navigation systems in off-road environments.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/terrain traversability analysisoff-road environmentselevation mappingsemantic segmentationcost mapHybrid terrain traversability analysis in off-road environmentsConference paper978-1-6654-8383-4