Sarfraz, Syed AliAbbas, MuntazirSarfraz, ShoaibAshraf, Farhan2022-11-082022-11-0808/11/2022Sarfraz SA, Abbas M, Sarfraz S, Ashraf F. (2020) Performance evaluation of Cu-Ni 90/10 alloyed structures exposed to various seawater compositions and their remaining service life estimation. In: 11th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services - TESConf 2022, 8-9 November 2022, Cranfield UK, Paper number 4866 International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services - TESConf 2022, 8-9 November 2022, Cranfield UKThe Cu-Ni 90/10 alloy is extensively used in seawater applications mainly because of its excellent heat transferability, resistance toward corrosion and marine fouling. The corrosion resistance of Cu-Ni 90/10 has been found to be far superior in open natural seawater, however, several premature failures have often been reported during their exposure in the pollutant-rich seawater typically found near harbours, jetties and coastlines. This paper investigates the corrosion behaviour of Cu-Ni 90/10 alloyed coupons exposed to natural seawater, and pollutant-rich harbour seawater in a submerged position. Moreover, this research also investigates the corrosion mechanism on marine heat exchanger tubes of material that failed prematurely while operating in similar seawater compositions. The field experimental results for short-term corrosion results from coupons, and the long-term corrosion results from heat exchanger tubes have been evaluated, to formulate a relationship and corrosion modelling.enAttribution 4.0 International 90/10 alloyseawater compositionsnatural seawaterpolluted seawatermarine heat exchangerPerformance evaluation of Cu-Ni 90/10 alloyed structures exposed to various seawater compositions and their remaining service life estimationConference paper