Swan, AlmaNeedham, Paul A. S.Probets, SteveMuir, AdrienneOppenheim, CharlesO'Brien, AnnHardy, RachelRowland, FyttonBrown, Sheridan2011-12-152011-12-152005-01-12Swan A, Needham P, Probets S, et al., (2005) Developing a model for e-prints and open access journal content in UK further and higher education. Learned Publishing, Volume 18, Number 1, January 2005 , pp. 25-400953-1513https://doi.org/10.1087/0953151052801479https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/794A study carried out for the UK Joint Information Systems Committee examined models for the provision of access to material in institutional and subject- based archives and in open access journals. Their relative merits were considered, addressing not only technical concerns but also how e-print provision (by authors) can be achieved – an essential factor for an effective e- print delivery service (for users). A 'harvesting' model is recommended, where the metadata of articles deposited in distributed archives are harvested, stored and enhanced by a national service. This model has major advantages over the alternatives of a national centralized service or a completely decentralized one. Options for the implementation of a service based on the harvesting model are presenteen-UKopen accesse-printsjournalsHigher educationLibrary & information sciencesDeveloping a model for e-prints and open access journal content in UK further and higher educationArticle