Stryszowski, MarcinLongo, StefanoD'Alessandro, DarioVelenis, EfstathiosForostovsky, GregoryManfredi, Sabato2020-11-122020-11-122020-05-06Stryszowski S, Longo S, D'Alessandro D, et al., (2020) A framework for self-enforced optimal interaction between connected vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 22, Number 10, October 2021, pp. 6152-61611524-9050 paper proposes a decision-making framework for Connected Autonomous Vehicle interactions. It provides and justifies algorithms for strategic selection of control references for cruising, platooning and overtaking. The algorithm is based on the trade-off between energy consumption and time. The consequent cooperation opportunities originating from agent heterogeneity are captured by a game-theoretic cooperative-competitive solution concept to provide a computationally feasible, self-enforced, cooperative traffic management framework.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International carsgame theory platooningnegotiationovertakeV2VA framework for self-enforced optimal interaction between connected vehiclesArticle28788447