Rogers, EdithBirowosuto, Muhammad DanangMaddalena, FrancescoDujardin, ChristophePagano, FiammettaKratochwil, NicolausAuffray, EtiennetteKrause, Philip GeorgeBizarri, Gregory2023-03-242023-03-242023-02-21Rogers EG, Birowosuto MD, Maddalena F, et al., (2023) Two-dimensional perovskite functionalized fiber-type heterostructured scintillators. Applied Physics Letters, Volume 122, February 2023, Article number 0819010003-6951 fiber-type heterostructured scintillator based on bismuth germanate (Bi4Ge3O12) functionalized with the 2D-perovskite butylammonium lead bromide ((BA)2PbBr4) has been fabricated, and its scintillation performance analyzed toward its use for fast timing applications such as time-of-flight Positron Emission Tomography. The pixel shows energy sharing between the matrix and filler component, confirming that the two components are in synergy.enAttribution 4.0 International spectroscopyheterostructuresradioluminescenceoptical metrologyperovskitesscintillatorsluminescencemetamaterialsTwo-dimensional perovskite functionalized fiber-type heterostructured scintillatorsArticle