Anastasiadi, MariaTerry, LeonRedfern, SallyMohareb, FadyBerry, Mark2024-06-102024-06-102017-06-05Anastasiadi, Maria; Terry, Leon; Redfern, Sally; Mohareb, Fady; Berry, Mark (2017). Data underpinning "Biochemical Profile of Heritage and Modern Apple Cultivars and Application of Machine Learning Methods to Predict Usage, Age, and Harvest Season". Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. dataset contains the quantitative data used for statistical analysis and predictive modelling in the paper entitled "Biochemical Profile of Heritage and Modern Apple Cultivars and Application of Machine Learning Methods to Predict Usage, Age, and Harvest Season". Specifically it contains concentration of phenolic compounds per Fresh weight in the whole apples as well as sugars and organic acids. In addition the phenolic content of individual tissues (peel, flesh, seeds) is uploaded.CC BY 4.0''phenolic compounds''sugars''organic acids''amygdalin''predictive modelling''machine learning''Bioinformatics''Biochemistry''Analytical Chemistry not elsewhere classified'Data underpinning "Biochemical Profile of Heritage and Modern Apple Cultivars and Application of Machine Learning Methods to Predict Usage, Age, and Harvest Season"Dataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.5002442