Tsoutsanis, Panagiotis2024-12-032024-12-032024-09-30https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/22991https://doi.org/10.57996/cran.ceres-2638This dataset contains the folders for each of the simulations of this article including: 4.1 (1_CALIBRATION_ER) 5.1 (2 TGV_SUBSONIC) 5.2 (3_SD7003) 5.3 (4_TGV_SUPERSONIC) 5.4 (5_CYLINDER) Each folder contains the following: 1) meshes used to run the simulations 2) UCNS3D.DAT parameter files for UCNS3D CFD SOFTWARE (freely available at https://github.com/ucns3d-team/UCNS3D) 3) output files in tecplot format/or vtu (that can be used in tecplot/paraview/visit post-processing software packages) 4) restart/checkpoint filesAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/Large Eddy SimulationCompressible FlowsUnstructured MeshTransonic CylinderComputational Fluid DynamicsDataset for Arbitrary-Order Unstructured Finite-Volume Methods for Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows with Adaptive Dissipation/Dispersion Adjustment (ADDA)Dataset