Almond, HeatherTonnellier, XavierSansom, Christopher L.Pearce, MattSengar, Namrata2019-11-132019-11-132019-07-26Almond H, Tonnellier X, Sansom C, et al., (2019) The design and modification of a parabolic trough system for the hydrothermal liquefaction of waste. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2126, Issue 1, 2019, Article number 1200010094-243X describe the design of a small-scale parabolic trough with a high-pressure absorber bundle to convert microalgae into bio-oil. The “proof-of-concept” system uses an existing Global CSP solar captor, with its reflectance enhanced by the addition of Skyfuel® ReflecTech Plus polymer film and has its original receiver tube replaced by a novel high-pressure multi-tube absorber and reactor. Initial results obtained at Kota University in Rajasthan, India demonstrated that temperatures up to 320°C are possible, and a bio-oil, similar to palm oil, was extracted from the reactor.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International design and modification of a parabolic trough system for the hydrothermal liquefaction of wasteArticle