Cordero, Juan PDonkers, KevinHarrison, IanBridle, Sarah LFrankowska, AngelinaCain, MichelleWard, NeilFrendenburgh, JezPope, EdwardKluczkovski, AlanaSchmidt, XimenaSilva, JacquelineReynolds, ChristianDenby, KatherineDoherty, BobJones, Aled2024-09-262024-09-262024-05-27Cordero JP, Donkers K, Harrison I, et al., (2024) AgriFoodPy: a package for modelling foodsystems. Journal of Open Source Software, Volume 9, Issue 97, May 2024, Article number 63052475-9066 is an open-source Python package for processing, simulation, and modeling of agrifood datasets and systems. By employing xarray (Hoyer & Hamman, 2017) as the primary data structure, AgriFoodPy provides methods to manipulate tabular data by extending xarray functionality via accessor classes. It acts as an accessibility and interoperability layer between data sources and external packages, and also bundles with a library of models for use without any additional requirements. A separate repository, agrifoodpy_data, is actively maintained in parallel to provide access to local and global agrifood datasets, including geospatial land use and classification data (Morton, 2022), food supply (FAO, 2023), life cycle assessment (Poore & Nemecek, 2018), and population data (United Nations, 2022). The AgriFoodPy framework is region-agnostic and provides facilities to model and simulate processes and intervention impacts regardless of their geographic origin.enAttribution 4.0 International Information and Computing Sciences46 Information and computing sciencesAgriFoodPy: a package for modelling food systemsArticle2475-9066553303997