Wasim, AhmadShehab, EssamAbdalla, Hassan S.Al-Ashaab, AhmedSulowski, RobertAlam, Rahman2014-05-142014-05-142013-03-31Ahmad Wasim, Essam Shehab, Hassan Abdalla, Ahmed Al-Ashaab, Robert Sulowski, Rahman Alam. An innovative cost modelling system to support lean product and process development. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, March 2013, Volume 65, Issue 1-4, pp 165-181.0268-3768http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00170-012-4158-4http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/8444This paper presents a cost modelling system for lean product and process development to support proactive decision making and mistake elimination at the design stage. The foundations of the system are based upon three lean product and process development enablers, namely: Set-based concurrent engineering, knowledge-based engineering, and mistake proofing (Poka-yoke). The development commenced with an industrial field study of eleven leading European industries from the aerospace, automotive, telecommunication, medical and domestic appliance sectors. Based on the requirements of industrial collaborators, the developed system comprises six modules: value identification, manufacturing process/machines selection, material selection, geometric features specification, geometric features and manufacturability assessment, and manufacturing time and cost estimation. The work involved the development of a feature-based cost estimation method for the resistance spot welding process. The developed system was finally validated using an industrial case study. The developed system has the capability to provide estimates related to product cost and associated values concurrently, facilitate decision making, eliminate mistakes during the design stage, and incorporate ‘customer voice’ during a critical decision making stage.The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comAn innovative cost modelling system to support lean product and process developmentArticle