Tetlay, AbideenJohn, Philip2010-03-252010-03-252010-03Tetlay A, John P. (2010) Clarifying the concepts of system maturity, system readiness and capability readiness through case studies. 8th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research, 17-19 March 2010, Hoboken, New Jersey, USAhttp://hdl.handle.net/1826/4325This paper clarifies the key concepts of System Maturity, System Readiness and Capability Readiness and refines their definitions. The authors have achieved this by analysing three high-profile defence projects as case studies. The following military based systems were chosen: Chinook Helicopter; Apache Helicopter; and the Type 45 Anti-Air Warfare Destroyer.enSystem MaturitySystem ReadinessOperational CapabilityCapability ReadinessClarifying the concepts of system maturity, system readiness and capability readiness through case studiesConference paper