Swart, JuaniTurner, NeilMaylor, HarveyPrieto Pastor, IsabelMartín Cruz, Natalia2017-09-292017-09-292017-04-28Swart J, Turner N, Maylor H, Prieto N, Cruz N, The role of knowledge resources in managing project complexity, Proceedings of OLKC 2017 :11th Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, 26 - 28 April 2017, Valladolid, Spainhttp://www.olkc2017.com/event_detail/4239/sections/3417/program.htmlhttp://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/12562In this paper we consider the nature of project complexity and draw on current literature to make the argument that we do not yet understand fully which resources managers draw on and how they then respond to the range of complexities they face. We consider the role of knowledge resources underpinning complexity responses, and ask the research question "What is the role of knowledge resources in managing project complexity?" We then summarise the empirical work we have undertaken to date in investigating this. Looking at the aerospace industry, we find a range of responses to different forms of complexity, drawing on important human, social and organizational capital.en©2017 The Authors. This is the Version of Record. The Authors retain the copyright.The role of knowledge resources in managing project complexityConference paper