Roumeliotis, IoannisNikolaidis, TheoklisPachidis, VassiliosBroca, OlivierUnlu, Deniz2019-03-212019-03-212018-09-30Roumetliotis I, Nikolaidis T, Pachidis V, Broca O & Unlu D., Dynamic simulation of a rotorcraft hybrid engine in Simcenter Amesim. In: 44th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF 2018), 18-21 September 2018, Delft, The Netherlands9781510879645 paper assesses a series hybrid propulsion system utilizing a recuperated gas turbine configuration. An adapted engine model capable to reproduce a turboshaft engine steady state and transient operation is built and used as a baseline for a recuperated engine. The recuperated engine presents a specific fuel consumption improvement of more than 15% at maximum continuous rating at the expense of surge margin which is reduced. An Oil and Gas (OAG) mission of a Twin Engine Medium helicopter has been used for assessing the hybrid configuration. The thermo-electric system brings a certain level of flexibility allowing for the recuperated engine to operate for high take-off weight cases. If envisioned 2025 technology is considered the fuel benefit of the series hybrid recuperated configuration for the OAG mission is in the range of 5%. The integrated system models (gas turbine, electric and heat exchanger systems) are built in Simcenter Amesim, a system modelling platform allowing for both steady state and dynamic simulation.enAttribution 4.0 International simulation of a rotorcraft hybrid engine in Simcenter AmesimArticle