Wang, HanfeiMitake, YuyaAlfarisi, SalmanShimomura, Yoshiki2022-11-082022-11-082022-11-08Wang H, Mitake Y, Tsutsui Y, et al., (2022) A modification of P-diagram for the robust design of product service system. In: 11th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services - TESConf 2022, 8-9 November 2022, Cranfield UK, Paper Number 9772 International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services - TESConf 2022, 8-9 November 2022, Cranfield UKFor product-service system (PSS), it is critically important whether PSS could fulfil the requirement of customers. However, in the real business environment, multiple perturbations or noises might happen to weaken the experience of customer. The robustness has become a serious issue for the success of PSS. More seriously, to date, there is no existing robust design method for researchers to prevent the above conditions. Therefore, it is essential to provide a conceptual diagram model to enable researchers and designers to identify key factors for robust PSS design. This paper demonstrates a modification of the Pdiagram, which is the most famous diagram of robust design. The modification is aimed at supporting the robust design of PSS in a conceptual level based on the fulfilment of customers’ requirements during perturbations. To verify the effectiveness, a case study is used to show the feasibility of this diagram.enAttribution 4.0 International systemRobust product service systemperturbationnoise factorP-diagramTaguchi methodA modification of P-diagram for the robust design of product service systemConference paper