Arıcan, Ahmet ÇağrıÇopur, Engin HasanInalhan, GokhanSalamci, Metin U.2023-08-232023-08-232023-06-26Arıcan AC, Çopur EH, Inalhan G, Salamci MU. (2023) State dependent regional pole assignment controller design for a 3-DOF helicopter model. In: 2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 6-9 June 2023, Warsaw, Poland979-8-3503-1038-22373-6720 linear systems, a state feedback control law can be easily designed to keep all closed-loop poles inside a specified disk since the locations of the poles are unique. However, its application to nonlinear systems is not so simple. Therefore, this paper introduces a new pole placement method, named as State Dependent Regional Pole Assignment, for nonlinear systems. This proposed method produces a state dependent feedback control law, enabling the eigenvalues of the closed-loop matrix to be placed in a specified disk to achieve the desired control performance characteristics. The effectiveness of the method is tested on the 3 DOF Helicopter experimental setup. To verify its effectiveness, the experimental results of the nonlinear method are compared with those of the linear method.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International dependent regional pole assignment controller design for a 3-DOF helicopter modelConference paper979-8-3503-1037-52575-7296