Gbenatey Nartey, EricSakrabani, RubenTyrrel, SeanCofie, Olufunke2024-06-102024-06-102024-02-08Nartey, Eric Gbenatey; Sakrabani, Ruben; Tyrrel, Sean; Cofie, Olufunke (2024). Data: Storage duration and temperature affect pathogen load, heavy metals, and nutrient levels in faecal derived fertiliser. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. dataset describes the changes in nutrient characteristics and pathogen in two types of stored faecal derived fertiliser over a period of time.CC BY 4.0''E.coli''pH''heavy metals''Non-enriched'Data for "Storage duration and temperature affect pathogen load, heavy metals, and nutrient levels in faecal derived fertiliser"Dataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.24570343