Chen, LejunVan, Mien2020-07-212020-07-212020-07-20Chen L, Van M. (2020) Sliding mode control of a class of underactuated system with non-integrable momentum. Journal of The Franklin Institute - Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Volume 357, Issue 14, September 2020, pp. 9484-95040016-0032 this paper, a sliding mode control scheme is developed to stabilise a class of nonlinear perturbed underactuated system with a non-integral momentum. In this scheme, by initially maintaining a subset of actuated variables on sliding manifolds, the underactuated system with the non-integrable momentum can be approximated by one with the integrable momentum in finite time. During sliding, a subset of the actuated variables converge to zero and a physically meaningful diffeomorphism is systematically calculated to transform the reduced order sliding motion into one in a strict feedback normal form in which the control signals are decoupled from the underactuated subsystem. Furthermore, based on the perturbed strict feedback form, it is possible to find a sliding mode control law to ensure the asymptotic stability of the remaining actuated and unactuated variables. The design efficacy is verified via a multi-link planar robot case study.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International SystemSliding mode controlSliding mode control of a class of underactuated system with non-integrable momentumArticle