Smith, Edward N.Tavernini, DavideVelenis, EfstathiosCao, Dongpu2016-09-292016-09-292016-09-30Smith EN, Tavernini D, Velenis E, Cao D. (2016) Chapter 197: Evaluation of optimal yaw rate reference for electric vehicle torque vectoring. In: Advanced Vehicle Control: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC'16), 13-16 September 2016, Munich, Germany, pp. 619–624 work evaluates the intrinsic contribution of the yaw rate reference to the overall handling performance of an electric vehicle with torque vectoring control - in terms of minimum-time manoeuvring. A range of yaw rate references are compared through optimal control simulations incorporating closed-loop controller dynamics. Results show yaw rate reference has a significant effect on manoeuvre time.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International dynamicssteeringbraketiresuspensionFull-electrichybrid electric vehiclesenergy-efficient vehiclesChapter 197: Evaluation of optimal yaw rate reference for closed-loop electric vehicle torque vectoringConference paper