Smy, VictoriaCahillane, MarieMacLean, Piers2016-09-162016-09-162016-09-16Cahillane M, Smy V, MacLean P. (2016) A case study of the barriers and enablers affecting teaching staff e-learning provision. In: International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, Rhodes, 7-9 July 2016 Cahillane Smy MacLean .pdfPresented at the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, 7-9 July, 2016, Rhodes Greece.The present paper reports the outputs of a focus group examining the perceived uses, enablers and barriers of utilising virtual learning environments (VLEs), amongst a small group of postgraduate teachers. Sixteen pedagogical/teaching functions were identified and were mapped to MacLean and Scott’s (2011) model of VLE elements. Whilst a number of enablers of VLE use were apparent, participants’ insights and inputs indicated a larger number of VLE barriers. It appears that the biggest barrier to overcome in using VLEs is finding the time to develop the materials and navigate the technology.eLearningVirtual learningA case study of the barriers and enablers affecting teaching staff e-learning provisionArticle