Khan, Aqib MashoodJamil, MuhammadHao, XiuqingNing, HeSarfraz, ShoaibGoher, KamranShehab, Essam2020-07-302020-07-302019-09-12Khan AM, Jamil M, Hao X, et al., (2019) An experimental investigation on Cryo-LN2 turning of hardened steel: a sustainability assessment. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, Volume 9: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIII, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2019), 10-12 September 2019, Belfast, NI, UK, pp. 358-3632352-751X achieve an excellent workpiece surface quality and long tool life in machining of hardened steel is an inordinate challenge. Recently, conventional flood cooling assisted machining processes are used to address this problem. However, such proposed processes have adverse effects on the environment as well as on the machine shop worker’s health. Hence, in this study, the effects of traditionally used flood cooling and sustainable Cryo-LN2 techniques on the six machining indices, such as surface roughness, cutting power, energy consumption, tool life, tool wear, and productivity in the external turning of AISI-52100 have been investigated. Comparative results showed that Cryo-LN2 technique outperformed flood cooling for all measured indices. The Cryo-LN2 assisted turning process yielded 18% less energy consumption and 66% more productivity. The findings of the current study encourage metal processing industries to use such type of sustainable techniques in the machine shop.enAttribution 4.0 International manufacturingcryogenic machininghardened steelenergy consumptiontool lifeAn experimental investigation on Cryo-LN2 turning of hardened steel: a sustainability assessmentConference paper