Verdin, PatrickRenaud, ThéoFalcone, GioiaDoran, HannahPan, Lehua2024-05-272024-05-272021-06-14Verdin, Patrick; Renaud, Théo; Falcone, Gioia; Doran, Hannah; Pan, Lehua (2021). Dataset for "Numerical Analysis of Enhanced Conductive Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers". Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. data corresponding to the journal paper entitled: "Numerical Analysis of Enhanced Conductive Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers"SeyedGolmakaniAyubManovic'Deep Borehole Heat exchanger''T2Well''Unconventional geothermal energy''Energy GenerationConversion and Storage Engineering''Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells)'Dataset for "Numerical Analysis of Enhanced Conductive Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers",Cranfield University,CC BY 4.0, Wadi et al. Pap1 CORD-Updated.xlsx,WadiDataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.13624139