Arhore, Edore G.Yasaee, Mehdi2020-07-172020-07-172020-06-24Arhore EG, Yasaee M. (2020) Lay-up optimisation of fibre–metal laminates panels for maximum impact absorption. Journal of Composite Materials, Volume 54, Issue 29, December 2020, pp. 4591-46090021-9983 paper introduces a methodology utilising a ply-ply damage Finite Element models with Genetic algorithm optimisation procedure to investigate the effect of lay-up configuration on the impact absorption properties of fibre metal laminates (FMLs). The methodology was carried out in two steps. In the first step, a pseudo-2D model was used to explore the vast design space to identify potential optimised layup-configurations. In the second step, the optimised configurations were studied in full 3 D, with high fidelity simulations, verifying the results obtained from the optimisation process. The design variables used include thickness and material (including fibre orientation) of each ply. The results produced an optimised configuration consisting of a metallic ply on the impacted side followed by a cross-ply composite lay-up. The results also suggest that the first composite ply (second ply of the FML) should be about 3 times thicker than the other pliesenAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International energy absorptiongenetic algorithm optimizationFMLFibre-metal laminateLay-up optimisation of fibre–metal laminates panels for maximum impact absorptionArticle