Frazer, GarethBalleri, AlessioJacob, George2020-02-172020-02-172020-02-11Frazer G, Balleri A, Jacob G. (2020) Deception jamming against doppler beam sharpening radars. IEEE Access, Volume 8, 2020, pp. 32792 - 328012169-3536 seekers are becoming increasingly more capable of using Doppler Beam Sharpening (DBS) modes as part of the homing cycle, which requires new countermeasures against this mode. One type of countermeasure, is to create false targets within the seeker DBS image. This paper proposes a jamming technique to generate false targets at a precise location within a seeker DBS image, by both delaying and adding a Doppler shift to received waveforms. The effects of tracking errors on the position of the false target are analysed, both analytically and with simulations and used to assess the practical implementation of the jamming scheme. An experimental DBS system was built to test the effectiveness of the jamming scheme against a platform moving in steps and assess errors caused by incorrectly estimating the seeker trajectory.enAttribution 4.0 International MissileDBSFalse TargetsDeception jamming against doppler beam sharpening radarsArticle26134451