Otten, WilfredEickhorst, ThiloJuyal, ArchanaFalconer, RuthHapca, SimonaSchmidt, HannesC Baveye, Philippe2024-06-102024-06-102018-08-08Otten, Wilfred; Eickhorst, Thilo; Juyal, Archana; Falconer, Ruth; Hapca, Simona; Schmidt, Hannes; et al. (2018). Bacterial distribution in soil microhabitats at different spatial scales. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. data underpin the results described in the Geoderma paper by Juyal et al (2018) entitled 'Combination of techniques to quantify the distribution of bacteria in their soil microhabitats at different spatial scales'. The data are represented in an Excel file and show counts of bacteria in individual sections of soil blocks and their corresponding pore geometry as determined by Xray CT at three different spatial scales. The data underpin the summary data described in the paper where a detailed method description is also provided.CC BY 4.0 thin section''Pseudomonas''Soil microhabitat''fluorescence microscopy''X-ray CT''Soil Science''Soil Biology''Soil Physics'Bacterial distribution in soil microhabitats at different spatial scalesDataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.6860717