Tetlay, AbideenJohn, Philip2009-10-282009-10-282009-09Abideen Tetlay, Philip John, Capability Readiness for Product-Service Systems, 7th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR09) University of Warwick (UK), September 8th – 10th 2009http://hdl.handle.net/1826/3890This article discusses the relationship between “Capability”and „Product-Service Systems‟(PSS) and the need for the assessment of „Capability Readiness‟(CR) for PSS. It is suggested that this assessment is essential to determine whether or not the elements of capability for PSS are in place and maintained for the successful delivery of a sustainable PSS.enCapabilityCapability ReadinessProduct-Service SystemsSystem ReadinessSystem MaturityCapability Readiness for Product-Service SystemsConference paper