Francis, DanielHodgkinson, JaneTatam, Ralph2024-06-112024-06-112024-04-25Francis, Daniel; Hodgkinson, Jane; Tatam, Ralph (2024). A long-wave infra-red pulsed external-cavity QCL spectrometer using a hollow waveguide gas cell: Data. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. spectrometer built using an external cavity pulsed quantum cascade laser is described. The spectrometer has a tuning range from 10 €“ 13 um (1,000 €“ 769 cm-1) and is designed to target volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which often exhibit water-free molecular absorption within the region. The spectrometer utilizes a hollow silica waveguide gas cell which has an internal volume of a few millilitres, a fast response time (~1 s), and is advantageous when only low sample volumes, similar to the cell volume, are available.CC BY 4.0''mid-infrared''hollow waveguide''gas cell''quantum cascade laser spectrometer'A long-wave infra-red pulsed external-cavity QCL spectrometer using a hollow waveguide gas cell: DataDataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.25187777