Bolourian, SoudabehAlinaghian, LeilaAngus, Andrew2023-10-192023-10-192023-09-22Bolourian S, Alinaghian L, Angus A. (2023) Exploring the role of board-level corporate social responsibility committees in corporate social responsibility performance: a configurational approach, Journal of Business Research, Volume 169, December 2023, Article Number 1142800148-2963 attributes interrelate with one another and the environment in which they are embedded in forming corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance, resulting in configurations of board attributes. By embracing a configurational approach, this study aims to investigate how the CSR-committee as a board structure interacts within different configurations of director characteristics (female-directors, director’s age, tenure, and experience) and other board structures (non-executive directors, CEO-duality, board-size) in shaping CSR-performance. The results of a fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) of 789 FTSE350 and S&P500 listed companies during a 4-year period (2013–2016) reveals nine board configurations leading to high CSR-performance, six containing the CSR-committee. Three board archetypes were identified. Their formation is shaped on main differences seen amongst them, leading to distinct archetypes: committee-boards, experience-boards, and hybrid-boards. The result of the configurational approach agrees with the argument “one-size” does not fit all, and different boards can achieve the same results via unique configurations.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International the role of board-level corporate social responsibility committees in corporate social responsibility performance: a configurational approachArticle1873-7978