Chen, LejunEdwards, C.Alwi, H.2020-03-062020-03-062020-03-04Chen L, Edwards C, Alwi H. (2020) Sliding mode observers for a class of LPV systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Volume 30, Issue 8, May 2020, pp. 3134-31481049-8923 this paper, a new framework for the synthesis of a class of sliding mode observers for affine linear parameter varying (LPV) systems is proposed. The sliding mode observer is synthesized by selecting the design freedom via LMIs. Posing the problem from a small gain perspective allows existing numerical techniques from the literature to be used for the purpose of synthesizing the observer gains. In particular, the framework allows affine parameterdependent Lyapunov functions to be considered for analyzing the stability of the state estimation error dynamics, to help reduce design conservatism. Initially a variable structure observer formulation is proposed, but by imposing further constraints on the LMIs, a stable sliding mode is introduced, which can force and maintain the output estimation error to be zero in finite time. The efficacy of the scheme is demonstrated using an LPV model of the short period dynamics of an aircraft and demonstrates simultaneous asymptotic estimation of the states and disturbances.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International mode observerLinear parameter-varyingFault detection and diagnosisSliding mode observers for a class of LPV systemsArticle