Abdalla, Hassan S.Salah, F.Rajkumar RoyEssam Shehab2009-10-012009-10-0120092009-03-31H. Abdalla, F. Salah, Creative Approaches in Product Design, Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Design Conference – Competitive Design, Cranfield University, 30-31 March 2009, pp347978-0-9557436-4-1http://hdl.handle.net/1826/3720Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThis research paper presents a knowledge-based system for creative design tools (CDT). The main aim of the developed CDT system is to provide designers with a flexible creative design environment to enhance their creative design thinking. Several creative thinking tools are developed and integrated with constructive knowledge databases to widen the search space and expand the design domain. CDT incorporates: a user interface, creativity tools, knowledge databases and five design modules namely: preparation, concept generation, design development, evaluation, and detailed design. A case study is discussed and demonstrated to validate the developed system.enCopyright: Cranfield University 2009Creative designDesign computationCreative design toolsProduct designKnowledge-based systemsCreative Approaches in Product DesignConference paper