Alford, RolandHazael, RachaelCritchley, Richard2024-08-272024-08-272023-02-06Alford R, Hazael R, Critchley R. (2023) Modular ballistic pendulum for measurement of impulse from tamped explosives. ISEE’s 49th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, 3 - 8 Feb 2023, San Antonio, USA, ballistic pendulum is a well-established piece of test equipment originally developed for estimating the velocity of bullets and projectiles. When trying to understand the effects of different tamping methods on explosive performance, the ballistic pendulum is an excellent tool allowing calculation of explosive charge impulse. Most ballistic pendula for this application are limited to narrow impulse ranges as the pendulum mass determines the angle of swing; and a mass capable of being moved by a small charge would be far too small for a larger charge. This paper describes a modular design (the Alford Modular Ballistic Pendulum) which overcomes this problem.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International ballistic pendulum for measurement of impulse from tamped explosivesConference paper551983