Atwah, Ayat AdnanKhan, Muhammad A.2022-05-182022-05-182022-05-11Atwah AA, Khan M. (2023) Influence of microscopic features on self cleaning ability of textile fabrics. Textile Research Journal, Volume 93, Issue 1-2, January 2023, pp. 450-4670040-5175 the presented review, the past investigations have been complied and critically analyzed to highlight the influence of microscopic features on self-cleaning ability. In addition, challenges and research gaps that currently exist are discussed. This review concludes the current methods and processes to obtain self-cleaning ability using the surface features of textile fabrics manipulated with the help of the coatings and nanoparticles. However, no research was conducted to explore the self-cleaning potential of microscopic geometrical features of fabric at the woven structural level.enAttribution 4.0 International abilitytextile fabricssurface coatingnanotechnologyinfluencemicroscopic featuresInfluence of microscopic features on self cleaning ability of textile fabricsArticle