Padiyar M, JanardhanFragonara, Luca ZanottiPetrunin, IvanRaposo, JoãoTsourdos, AntoniosGray, IainFarmaki, SpyridoylaExarchos, DimitriosMatikas, Theodore E.Dassios, Konstantinos G.2021-03-232021-03-232021-03-19Padiyar JM, Zanotti Fragonara L, Petrunin I, et al., (2021) Fast, accurate, and reliable detection of damage in aircraft composites by advanced synergistic infrared thermography and phased array techniques. Applied Sciences, Volume 11, Issue 6, March 2021, Article number 27782076-3417 paper presents an advanced methodology for the detection of damage in aircraft composite materials based on the sensor fusion of two image-based non-destructive evaluation techniques. Both of the techniques, phased-array ultrasonics and infra-red thermography, are benchmarked on an aircraft-grade painted composite material skin panel with stringers. The sensors systems for carrying out the inspections have been developed and miniaturized for being integrated on a vortex-robotic platform inspector, in the framework of a larger research initiative, the Horizon-2020 ‘CompInnova’ project.enAttribution 4.0 International thermographyIRTautomated inspectionphased array ultrasonic testingNDTaircraft composites inspectionFast, accurate, and reliable detection of damage in aircraft composites by advanced synergistic infrared thermography and phased array techniquesArticle