Salonitis, KonstantinosAl Manei, Mohammed2023-08-312023-08-312019-05 management focuses in reducing waste and improve the efficiency of companies. Although in many instances, what is proposed by lean philosophy sounds like common sense, companies do struggle with implementing lean principles. The current research presents a novel framework developed in order to support the lean transformation for manufacturing companies. The framework is based on the change management theory and interpretive structural models. The proposed framework was validated in the United Arabic Emirates (UAE) manufacturing sector. The framework is composed of two main parts, a change transformation approach based on Kotter’s leading change model, and a roadmap for implementing lean tools. The framework proposed was validated using experts’ opinion. The manufacturing sector in UAE is mostly composed of Small and Medium Enterprises, and as such they face a number of challenges when they attempt introduction of lean manufacturing. A questionnaire has been developed for assessing the status of lean manufacturing in the UAE. The level of understanding of lean principles and lean techniques and methods is assessed. The drivers promoting lean thinking and the barriers in the implementation are investigated. The analysis of the responses is currently undertaken. Interpretive structural models (ISM) were also developed for understanding the relationships between the critical success variables and the barriers when implementing lean. The ISM model fed to the lean implementation framework developed. The results and overall feedback from the validation reflected a high level of acceptance of the framework structure and approach. The novel framework has the capability to improve the lean implementation process.en© Cranfield University, 2019. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.Lean manufacturinglean implementation (LI)change managementinterpretive structural modellinglean principleslean thinkingLean manufacturing implementation framework based on change management theory and interpretive structural modelling.Thesis or dissertation