Goh, K. M.Tjahjono, BennyBaines, Tim S.Subramaniam, S.2011-11-072011-11-072006-01-01Goh, K.M.; Tjahjono, B.; Baines, TS.; & Subramaniam, S. (2006) A Review of Research in Manufacturing Prognostics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics.0-7803-9700-2http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/INDIN.2006.275836http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/1388With the fast changing global business landscape, manufacturing companies are facing increasing challenge to reduce cost of production, increase equipment utilization and provide innovative products in order to compete with countries with low labour cost and production cost. On of the methods is zero down time. Unfortunately, the current research and industrial solution does not provide user friendly development environment to create “Adaptive microprocessor size with supercomputer performance” solution to reduce downtime. Most of the solutions are PC based computer with off the shelf research software tools which is inadequate for the space constraint manufacturing environment in developed countries. On the other hand, to develop solution for various manufacturing domain will take too much time, there is lacking tools available for rapid or adaptive way of create the solution. Therefore, this research is to understand the needs, trends, gaps of manufacturing prognostics and defines the research potential related to rapid embedded system framework for prognostmaintenanceprognosticscondition based maintenanceprognostics health monitoringA review of research in manufacturing prognosticsConference paper